Adaptability Canada

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Our Inclusive Design Approach

At the heart of Adaptability Canada’s approach to consultation and design is our belief in human dignity. The way an individual experiences a physical space – both physically and emotionally – greatly impacts the way they enjoy life. Every single person that enters a physical space should feel like they’re meant to be there, and that is what we base our design principles on.

Physical spaces must evolve with the people that use them.

Designing exceptional buildings starts with understanding the needs of all diverse stakeholders. If a space is meant to be an inclusive meeting place for a variety of people with different needs, organizations must go beyond compliance with code.

At Adaptability Canada, we raise the bar by addressing not only the needs of those with physical or visible disabilities, but by understanding and designing for people with invisible disabilities.

We go even further in our approach to include minority groups, the LGBTQ community, women, caregivers, seniors, and Indigenous peoples when advising on creating accessible environments. When we imagine spaces that suit someone from each of those groups, we can better represent and meet the needs of Canada’s diverse communities.

Our Inclusive Design approach future-proofs an organizations-built environment by getting out of the retrofit cycle and positioning it as community gathering space that exemplifies belonging and dignity.

Our Practice

Our consulting and design practice ranges from advising on the finer details like paint colour, to formulating a strategic direction that incorporates inclusivity in all elements of the business.

These solutions include:

  • Comprehensive property assessments based on legislation, technical standards, and inclusive design best practices
  • Capital planning and cost estimating
  • Inclusive design services focused on innovation in the built environment and public spaces
  • Strategic consulting
  • ACA Accessibility Planning and Public Consultations for federally regulated organizations
  • Inclusive design guides to allow our clients to institutionalize best practices by asset type, and,
  • Drawing and project reviews to ensure every project maximizes inclusive design best practices and breaks the retrofit lifecycle.